Monday, June 4, 2012

Hip Skin Care Lines for Daddy-O

Men, one of my favorite demographics to educate, because 99% have no clue how to take of their skin. That’s why they need the women in their life to take charge and put them on the right track! Most men will openly fight using skin care products, but ladies watch your face wash and moisturizer levels closely, somehow you are running out a little faster than anticipated, right? I think that giving skin care to men as a father's day gift is pretty sly, because if they know what’s best for them they will say “thank you!” with a big smile and kiss. Also, they secretly want to know what all the fuss is about! Here are my top picks of lines to ease your man into.

One of my favorite men's lifestyle website, Mr. Porter, and Australian brand Aesop have made the perfect partnership in this gentleman's grooming kit. The line promotes plant-based ingredients with antioxidants that will keep 'em looking young. With scents from sandalwood, neroli flower, and bergamot, you'll be nested into you man's nook and never wanting to leave. Includes cleanser, moisturizer, shaving serum, spray-on moisturizer, and lip cream in a posh travel bag.


This 100% natural skin care line is a very gender neutral, no frills about it type of line. There is no use of synthetic fragrances, so each product smells of the delicious ingredients that it is made of. So for daddy, I've picked a product with frankincense that makes my eyes flutter every time I breathe it in that is said to "hydrate, recharge, and revitalize".

Cellure Stem Cell Skin Care

Men love technology, and this line is beeping pretty loudly on everyone's science radar. Coming from adult human stem cell technology, it's the latest in skin care formulation and I think guys just get it, right? The line is 6 products, but I like that it's numbered so there is no way they can mess it up. Or am I giving them too much credit? With aloe and chamomile, the Recode Balancing Toner is great for men to use after shaving to calm any redness or irritation.