Thursday, April 5, 2012

Grouper Sinks Its Hook

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been avoiding online dating like the plague. I truly have a not-so irrational fear of filling out all those surveys then relying on a computer to match you with your not-so soulmate. Then the actual date where you may or not be sitting across from Norman Bates. I might be the only one out there who hasn’t tried it, but call me old-fashion, I just believe in good ole’ organic dating. 
On the other hand though, after several months of complaining about no dates and endless dead end bar number exchanges, a friend convinced me to try Grouper, an online group dating source through Facebook. The only reason I consented was because, thank the lord, it was a 3-on-3 date. 

Here are the basics:

  • You sign up through Facebook by basically becoming Grouper’s friend. And no, it doesn’t show in your feed and, yes, it’s secure.
  • Apparently, they take your information from your Facebook profile and match you with a group of guys you might be keen on. Honestly, I believed they chose at random, but I think I was mistaken. 
  • We waited about 2 weeks before we received an email confirming our date. I almost forgot we had done it! My guess is that either they are really lacking in guys or there is a huge waiting list?
  • You then get to choose the two friends you want to take, and everyone pays $22($2 tip) for the first round of drinks at a bar that Grouper predetermines. Hence, how Grouper makes its money. 

Now for the date story...

Obviously everyone’s experience is different, but I honestly had a great time. Coincidently, or not, one of the guys was from my hometown, and we actually went to middle school together. We had never met before, but my other friend's mother had been trying to connect them. Could Grouper be collaborating with our mothers to play matchmaker? 

We met at NYC’s Orient Express, a smaller specialty drink bar, which I believe was a good choice for 6 people trying to get to know each other. We all got along fabulously and after several glasses of wine, a chinese fortune teller, and a great discussion on Tebowing, we wrapped it up around 1:30 and headed home with what all 3 girls hope are some new friendships. 

All-in-all, I recommend Grouper, but keep your expectations realistic and an open mind, and at the least you will walk away with some new pals. (I’ll keep you updated if any love connections come out of it though...)

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